Madison Recreation Summer Camp Registration is OPEN!  Please complete a separate Summer Camp 2023 Registration Form for each child being enrolled.  We are looking forward to an active and fun summer!

Dates:  Jun 26 – Aug 18, 2023 (8 weeks) *

Time:   8:30 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Thursday. Friday trips to White Lake State Park are optional.

Location: Burke Field, Village Road, Madison, NH

Ages:  Children residing in the town of Madison entering kindergarten through 6th grade in the fall of 2023.

* Camp closed on Tuesday, July 4th.

Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, and is contingent upon staffing. All registrations and payment in full must be received by May 31, 2023.

Summer Camp Fees

Full 8-week program: $600.00

Weekly rate:  $100.00 / week

Friday field trips to White Lake will be offered at an additional cost of $10 per day.

Registration fees must be paid in full by May 31, 2023. Please make checks payable to the Town of Madison with “Summer Camp 2023” in the memo.

Summer Camp 2023 registration fees are nonrefundable. This may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

If you are enrolling multiple campers from the same immediate family, a $25 program discount will be applied per camper to the total fee for up to 3 siblings. Please complete a separate registration form for each camper.

There are programs available should you need financial assistance. One of them is the OSSIPEE CHILDREN’S FUND – Ossipee Children’s Fund (  There may be others and if you are in need, please get in touch with the committee and we will do the best we can to help.


Drop off will be at Burke Field; exceptions may occur for special activities or weather.

Pick up will be at Madison Elementary School; exceptions may occur for special activities or weather.

A Summer Camp handbook will be distributed to each camper and parent/guardian to review, sign, and return.  The handbook will detail behavioral expectations of our campers to ensure a fun and safe program for everyone.  Sharing information about your child can be critical to their success at Summer Camp; we welcome a discussion to best support your child.


Summer Camp updates and alerts will be communicated via email, Madison Recreation website, and posted on the Madison Recreation Facebook page @madisonNHrecreation.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions!