Employment Opportunities

The Town of Madison is hiring!

Summer Camp Counselors – Seasonal

The Town of Madison is hiring seasonal camp counselors for the Madison Recreation Summer Camp program, June 26 – Aug 18, 2023.  Preferred candidates have experience supervising school-age children, and leading outdoor/indoor recreational activities.

Please see our Employment Opportunities page for details, or the Town of Madison website for an employment application.

Volunteer Openings

Recreation Committee Members

The Town of Madison Recreation Committee meets every other Thursday evening at Madison Town Hall to plan and coordinate the Madison Rec programs and events.  The committee is comprised of 5 full-time volunteer members, and two volunteer alternates.  If you are interested in joining the committee, please feel free to fill out a Volunteer Application with the Town of Madison, or Contact Us with any questions.

If you can’t join full time, please join us for meetings to share ideas or just see what’s going on.  Our meeting dates and times are in the Calendar of Events.


Volunteers are always welcome!  Whether coaching a team, contributing an idea, or hiding eggs for an egg hunt, there are always opportunities to help.

Volunteers are the backbone of our community, and are the feet on the ground who git ‘er done.  There are many ways in which you can to contribute in bringing our community together – Contact Us via this website or through email at madisonrecnh@gmail.com.